Tag Archives: Rival

Rival (Fall Away #2)by Penelope Douglas

BOOK: Rival (Fall Away #2)by Penelope Douglas

My Rating: 5 stars out of 5


Madoc and Fallon. Two estranged teenagers playing games that push the boundaries between love and war…

She’s back.

For the two years she’s been away at boarding school, there was no word from her. Back when we lived in the same house, she used to cut me down during the day and then leave her door open for me at night.

I was stupid then, but now I’m ready to beat her at her own game…

I’m back.

Two years and I can tell he still wants me, even if he acts like he’s better than me.

But I won’t be scared away. Or pushed down. I’ll call his bluff and fight back. That’s what he wants, right? As long as I keep my guard up, he’ll never know how much he affects me….


it’s weird that I like this book so much better that it’s predecessor Bully??  I mean I loved “Bully” and “Until you”,both from Penelope Douglas , they were great and I loved Jared and Tate , but this one was different to me , I don’t know why.

probably a lot of people disagree but I dont know why I like

A t first I thought that Madoc was too much of a jokester to be deep and strong enough to be a leading character , but boy was I wrong, he was so much more than just deep, he was amazing!!


“Sometimes I wore smiles but didn’t feel them. Sometimes I felt them and didn’t wear them. I didn’t want her to know how much I craved this. I bit my bottom lip.”

The story felt stronger because they went thru much bigger issues than Jared and Tate, and their relationship evolved while they were still very Young , and we know how much the first relationships screw us up good for all our lives.

“Fallon and I were a lot like them. Only I didn’t love her, and she didn’t love me. I was infatuated with her once— and loved that she let me take my pubescent urges out on her— but we weren’t in love.”

Madoc and Fallon are step brother/sister, and they love to hate each other, and suddenly they end up in a much complicated situation that they expected, one they were too young to grasp.

“The thing is, Fallon . . . I told you before to lock the door if you wanted me to stay out. Funny thing is . . .” I leaned in. “You. Never. Did.”


“But I found out that they were part of a façade that he adopted. When the clothes came off, so did Madoc’s mask. At night when he’d hang out in just jeans and nothing else, it was like I was seeing an entirely different guy. Strong. Powerful. Mine.


That beautiful girl hated me, and I heated her, but goddamn it, I loved how we hated, because it was raw and real. It didn’t make any sense, but yeah it was real

They have pretty screwed up parents  especially Fallon’s mother ( such a bitch!!) wich end up lying to them and betraying them. splitting them apart

A few year pass and Fallon is back , and old feelings resurface, none of them know the truth about what happened , Madoc is still very much hurting (even do he doesn’t want to admit it) but vengeance is on Fallon mind, because there’s all this twisted situations a lies that they don’t know about.

“I wanted him angry and out of his mind. I wanted to trap him.”

But we were different now. I wanted only his pain, and judging from the girl he’d come home with last night, Madoc was still the same. A user.

After some things start to get clear they finally start to understand the truth about want separated them and old feelings get rekindle …in  every wich way they can think of,  wich was way hot!! I MEAN HOOOOTTTT!!!

“You’ve always wanted me. You know why? Because I don’t try to kill your demons. I run with them.”

This book was fun to read , it did had a couple of doozies, like the 18-year-old affair??? WTF?? and Fallon’s mother whorish ways where gross…

but the love story oh God !! it was so amazingly beautiful, because they went  through so much , it was hard at times , but when it was good it was Great!! and very steamy.

“you were my first everything and my only love!!”

I don’t want to tell all the plot so I’ll leave it at that but it’s very good , and for me at least it will be one of the books that stays for quite a while in my memory.

I can’t wait to read Jax’s story… it will probably be great!!


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